I want to launch Oobabooga Textgen WebUI from the command line with its serial output. I also want to run a while loop that retrieves the Nvidia GPU memory available and temperature for display on the header bar with a 5 second sleep delay. How do I run both of those at the same time?
$ while true; do echo Hello, I updated the header; sleep 5; done & [1] 1631507 $ Hello, I updated the header sleep 30; echo Sleep is done. Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Hello, I updated the header Sleep is done. Hello, I updated the header $ kill %1 [1]+ Terminated while true; do echo Hello, I updated the header; sleep 5; done $
Edit: I’m fairly confident now that you’re just thinking the loop will stop when you run oogabooga, but that’s not how it works. That up above is how it works; the loop keeps going during the sleep with them both going on the same terminal, then after the sleep process terminates, I kill the loop, but for the whole 30 seconds previous, they were both going. It’ll be the same with oogabooga. This the situation you’re asking about, yes?