If you don’t know, find the closest restaurant supply or head to amazon and just buy the Victorinox standard that is in basically every commercial kitchen everywhere. It’s probably about $20-30 and will hold up nicely. Outside of that, I found a well reviewed amazon thing for around $35-40 probably about 5 years ago, and it’s been great.
I’m going to add a little and say that almost every kitchen should have a honing steel and a basic set of sharpening stones. No knife is going to stay sharp forever.
If I had kitchen that didn’t have these things, that is how I’d spend my $100.
If you don’t know, find the closest restaurant supply or head to amazon and just buy the Victorinox standard that is in basically every commercial kitchen everywhere. It’s probably about $20-30 and will hold up nicely. Outside of that, I found a well reviewed amazon thing for around $35-40 probably about 5 years ago, and it’s been great.
I’m going to add a little and say that almost every kitchen should have a honing steel and a basic set of sharpening stones. No knife is going to stay sharp forever.
If I had kitchen that didn’t have these things, that is how I’d spend my $100.