I’m going into my last year of college and I kinda felt like I did college wrong. Like, my grades are good but everything else about college I failed at. Like socially and stuff, after 4 years I barely know anybody. I commuted(to avoid debt, and did so successfully) so maybe that’s part of my problem.

But I feel college was supposed to be special time in your life and to me it has been indifferent. :/Thoughts?

  • BigMoe@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    Excellent points, and I’ll just add my own 2 cents.

    I wouldn’t stress. I went to Weber State in Ogden, Utah, and its really more of a commuter school. Plenty of people living off campus and working full-time. I didn’t do a lot of parties or anything, but I had some good friends.

    If you are happy, don’t worry about it. If you know a few people and that’s all you need, you’re good. Besides, there is plenty more of life where you can have a funner time.

    I didn’t really start what I would call the ‘best part’ of my life till I met my wife at 27. I’m 34 and honestly enjoying it more than I did my 20’s