If this thing takes off and there is an exploit that is quieter than an angle grinder, they will use that exploit. Lock-picking lawyer has found oodles of vulnerabilities in various means to secure property and he will find the exploit this thing has.
No lock is perfect, every lock can be defeated, it’s just about making it enough of a pain in the ass to defeat that the thief moves on to an easier target.
You’d think they would invest in their illicit business by learning a skill. Nope. The reason ‘just getting a job’ isn’t easier for them to make money is because they’re lazy. I think this should be a consideration in the kind of funding we put into security.
Lock Picking Lawyer would like a word with you.
Bike thieves don’t usually pick locks, but there’s definitely better folding locks out there.
If this thing takes off and there is an exploit that is quieter than an angle grinder, they will use that exploit. Lock-picking lawyer has found oodles of vulnerabilities in various means to secure property and he will find the exploit this thing has.
No lock is perfect, every lock can be defeated, it’s just about making it enough of a pain in the ass to defeat that the thief moves on to an easier target.
You’d think they would invest in their illicit business by learning a skill. Nope. The reason ‘just getting a job’ isn’t easier for them to make money is because they’re lazy. I think this should be a consideration in the kind of funding we put into security.