Young people in China are becoming more rebellious, questioning their nation’s traditional expectations of career and family
Young people in China are becoming more rebellious, questioning their nation’s traditional expectations of career and family
Amazing arc, like watching the last 120 years in the US compressed down to a couple decades. From rural to industrial powerhouse to the kids going “fuck this shit”.
What’s next?
It’s like watching a speedrun: Capitalism any%.
Next? Some of them have to be thinking “wait, this is a communist country, isn’t it?”
I don’t think anyone think of China as a communist/socialist country for a very long time. Maybe except older generations and tankies.
Ironically, I have met more tankies in six month on lemmy than my 18 years growing up in China. It is truly a wild culture shock that I didn’t expect. LOL.
A “tankie” isn’t a communist anymore than an American Republican wants individual freedom.
Anyone that supports China is going to say it’s communist, and anyone from the right shitting on China is going to say they’re communist.
But both groups are pretty much the same and no one should listen to either
The CCP doesn’t even claim that China is communist though. Idk where you’re getting that from.
My pet conspiracy theory is that a bunch of tankies are actually CIA trolls, in an effort to tie criticism of the US together with completely bonkers causes. The end goal being that if you think the US is not the best thing ever, you must be a tankie, and you support authoritarian regimes like Iran and China.
Some of the tankie(bots) I have argued with on here are so contrarian that it seems that way to me, as well. They don’t try to argue in good faith, and they never concede no matter how much they are proven wrong. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least some of them are bots or bad actors either from the CIA, China, or Russia.
it’s not that ironic if you look at lemmy’s origin.
A gigantic Lemmy instance?
They already have two.
Civil war, if our current trajectory is any indication.