I’m male aged 19-22, I have an older brother about 4-5 years older (giving age ranges for better anonymity). Relationship is… not good (read: it’s terrible, horrifyingly terrible, arch-nemesis). How about you?

  • pinwurm@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I have an older brother by 4-5 years.

    We didn’t really get along when we were young. Fought over things - games, TV remote, CD player, etc.

    But when he left for college, we grew closer. He still lived nearby, and my folks encouraged us hanging out. It was sort of an escape. Home life wasn’t great, and he and his friends were fun. He was around for a lot of my pivotal life moments. When I finally got to college, I moved in with him as roommates. Worked well.

    We’re friends, basically. We have very different personalities - but we understand each other very well.

    Now we live in different cities, hours apart. He’s married with a kid. I’m married and childfree. We see each other a few times a year. We text and call regularly.

    I guess in this sense, I’m quite lucky.