We’ve added new ways to find and explore diverse perspectives on Search, including content from social media platforms, to help you learn from the experience of other people.
As crappy as googles results seem to have gotten over the last year, anytime I try to set my browser default search to anything else, I end up irritated and going back to Google for 50% of my searches(maybe even more ). Bing is fairly decent, but if the goal is privacy…
The alternative search engines just always lack the context–ehich presumably google has from me by pilfering my information for the last 2 decades.
As crappy as googles results seem to have gotten over the last year, anytime I try to set my browser default search to anything else, I end up irritated and going back to Google for 50% of my searches(maybe even more ). Bing is fairly decent, but if the goal is privacy…
The alternative search engines just always lack the context–ehich presumably google has from me by pilfering my information for the last 2 decades.