I’d like to contribute to the Lemmy community. I’ve been running my own private Linux servers for more than 25 years for things like email (years ago before all the spam), and as file servers, backup, etc. It’s an old, not very powerful computer, running Ubuntu server, in a corner in my house. Is it worth running a Lemmy instance on such a machine? I suppose there’d also be issues of how much data is going in and out, and how that would impact my internet cable usage. Thoughts?

  • Slashzero@hakbox.social
    1 year ago

    With just me on the system, CPU is barely ever over 2 -3%. Load average looks good. Memory usage looks fine. You know what? Let me post some graphs for the past 24 hours, which, I’ve pretty much been on here for 24 hours straight. Again, I’m the only user on my instance.

    I’ve mentioned this in a few other threads, but I’m tempted to fire up jmeter and push some load through my instance just to see how it behaves if I slam the system via the API. I just don’t feel like learning the internal API endpoints and all that right at this time though.