Seems more like a dodge for you to avoid making an argument, but you do you. Don’t know what you mean by claiming I’m not a Communist, either, who counts as a Communist in your eyes?
Considering Communism as a Mode of Production refers to a relatively far-future, fully publicly owned global economy, humanity hasn’t reached Communism and thus by your definition nobody has ever been a Communist. This, of course, isn’t true, a Communist is someone who generally follows Communist ideology and wishes to bring about Communism.
This is just a non-sequitor no true Scotsman, and seems to be deflection.
Would you rather me identify as Marxist-Leninist? That’s the specific type of Communist I am.
Now that we have presumably gotten through that part, I’m entirely down to talk about whatever it is your machine example is supposed to prove, if you’re willing to elaborate more on what your hypothetical is for.
Bravo on showing such respectful and good-natured civility towards someone who is undoubtedly a troll. I applaud your restraint. However, I think you entertained their obvious bad faith arguing for far too long. It’s quite clear that they are hostile towards communism and are being deliberately combative and insulting to try and get a reaction out of someone. Unfortunately, as the Reddit floodgates begin to burst, I am sure many more trolls and hostile reactionaries whilr be flooding Lemmy for the forseeable future. Stay strong, comrade <3
Thanks! And for what it’s worth, I’m 100% aware, they end up serving as a great springboard for other onlookers, who may change their mind. I’ve had people DM me saying as such, which is why I keep doing it. Thanks though, comrade!
That’s actually a great strategy. It is perplexing to me to see the incivility of common conservative discourse online with other people they percieve as being “left wing” that others who read such exchanges could see anything other than it being childish and crude, especially when the other party is participating in a respectful manner. For myself, I don’t resort to using incivilty against incivility but end up concluding that it’s a waste of my emotional stamina to continue a discussion where one side insults and denigrates me as a matter of course. I’ll keep your idea in mind next time I encounter such a time. Keep doing the hard work ;)
I don’t really agree with that. For it to have Value, it would need to be socially necessary, and fulfill a role not already better filled by other machines.
Where are you getting the materials? What time are we talking about, early Socialism, late Communisn, somewhere in between? The answer would change depending on the level of development of the productive forces.
I know you don’t agree, that’s why I think you’re wrong.
Communism is a lovely idea, I support the goals you want it to achieve, and I’m sure there’s a species out in the universe that would function quite well with it. Not Humans though, too greedy, too vein, too convinced they are right.
And maybe you think your better and it wont happen with your particular brand, but I know it will, it’ll end in suffering like the rest.
I support Capitolism because so far it has allowed more humans in history to thrive than ever before, and I don’t need a better answer than that.
Communism does work, though. I am not sure what you’re actually trying to say. Moreover, the biggest reductions in poverty have come from Socialist countries like China, meanwhile Capitalism is in decline. That’s only natural, as Capitalism decays.
Seems more like a dodge for you to avoid making an argument, but you do you. Don’t know what you mean by claiming I’m not a Communist, either, who counts as a Communist in your eyes?
You practice communism? You subsist from a communist system solely?
Considering Communism as a Mode of Production refers to a relatively far-future, fully publicly owned global economy, humanity hasn’t reached Communism and thus by your definition nobody has ever been a Communist. This, of course, isn’t true, a Communist is someone who generally follows Communist ideology and wishes to bring about Communism.
This is just a non-sequitor no true Scotsman, and seems to be deflection.
Call it a deflection if you want, I call it being correct.
Would you rather me identify as Marxist-Leninist? That’s the specific type of Communist I am.
Now that we have presumably gotten through that part, I’m entirely down to talk about whatever it is your machine example is supposed to prove, if you’re willing to elaborate more on what your hypothetical is for.
Bravo on showing such respectful and good-natured civility towards someone who is undoubtedly a troll. I applaud your restraint. However, I think you entertained their obvious bad faith arguing for far too long. It’s quite clear that they are hostile towards communism and are being deliberately combative and insulting to try and get a reaction out of someone. Unfortunately, as the Reddit floodgates begin to burst, I am sure many more trolls and hostile reactionaries whilr be flooding Lemmy for the forseeable future. Stay strong, comrade <3
Thanks! And for what it’s worth, I’m 100% aware, they end up serving as a great springboard for other onlookers, who may change their mind. I’ve had people DM me saying as such, which is why I keep doing it. Thanks though, comrade!
That’s actually a great strategy. It is perplexing to me to see the incivility of common conservative discourse online with other people they percieve as being “left wing” that others who read such exchanges could see anything other than it being childish and crude, especially when the other party is participating in a respectful manner. For myself, I don’t resort to using incivilty against incivility but end up concluding that it’s a waste of my emotional stamina to continue a discussion where one side insults and denigrates me as a matter of course. I’ll keep your idea in mind next time I encounter such a time. Keep doing the hard work ;)
Thanks! I’ve been doing it for over a year now, so I have a good bit under my belt, haha.
We both know if my machine has any value, it’d be taken away from me. That’s really all I need to know.
I don’t really agree with that. For it to have Value, it would need to be socially necessary, and fulfill a role not already better filled by other machines.
Where are you getting the materials? What time are we talking about, early Socialism, late Communisn, somewhere in between? The answer would change depending on the level of development of the productive forces.
I know you don’t agree, that’s why I think you’re wrong.
Communism is a lovely idea, I support the goals you want it to achieve, and I’m sure there’s a species out in the universe that would function quite well with it. Not Humans though, too greedy, too vein, too convinced they are right.
And maybe you think your better and it wont happen with your particular brand, but I know it will, it’ll end in suffering like the rest.
I support Capitolism because so far it has allowed more humans in history to thrive than ever before, and I don’t need a better answer than that.
Communism does work, though. I am not sure what you’re actually trying to say. Moreover, the biggest reductions in poverty have come from Socialist countries like China, meanwhile Capitalism is in decline. That’s only natural, as Capitalism decays.
Exactly the type of reply I’d expect.