[alt text: A wikipedia article titled “Goon of Fortune” says: Goon of Fortune, sometimes called Wheel of Goon, is an Australian drinking game involving cheap cask wine (colloquially known has “goon”), played between any number of people. The name is a proof on the TV show Wheel of Fortune. The bag from a box of wine is known as a “goon bag” or “goonsack”]

  • Delphia@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Ok first of all, they left out the part where this game is usually played in the back yard on a rotary clothes line. Where everyone stands in a circle. The goon sack is attatched to the clothes line and “spun” and whoever it lands on has to take a giant mouthful.

    Also theres the variation of several different types of goon on the clothesline. And you have to spin the wheel and take a giant mouthful from whichever one lands on you. If you dont like literally the cheapest lambrusco that the cheapest bottleshop in town sells. Too fucking bad!