• crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago
    • bombing civilian infrastructure which is likely to have families, children, non combatants inside is a war crime.
    • collective punishment is a war crime.
    • forcible relocation is a war crime.
    • ordering civilians to a new area and then bombing them en route or on arrival is intentional targeting of civilians, and therefore a war crime.
    • blockading a population within an area which you are actively shelling is a war crime.
    • depriving a population of non combatants of food and water and fuel is a war crime.
    • bombing a convoy of ambulances is a war crime.
    • bombing a refugee camp is a war crime.
    • killing reporters is a war crime.
    • use of white phosphorus on civilian targets is a war crime.

    Israel has done all of these things. There is no excuse for war crimes. It doesn’t matter how evil the enemy is, you are not allowed to do these things and not be a war criminal.

    • galloog1@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Civilian infrastructure are public works dedicated solely to civilians and does not inherently include power. You do not understand war crimes.

      Collective punishment implies no military purpose. Israel is being very careful to include military purpose in all their narratives. You do not understand war crimes.

      Forcible relocation is only occurring if Israel does not allow them to return after the current conflict is concluded. This is not relevant right now and is actively warned against. You do not understand war crimes.

      Israel has not ordered civilians to any specific area they have then bombed. There’s a lot of disinformation around this one in terms of hitting former routes well after they should’ve been gone. You don’t understand the information space.

      Israel has a border. That’s not blockading a population in anymore than Egypt is guilty of the exact same thing within context. You don’t understand war crimes.

      Not providing food is not the same thing as depriving of food and it’s been shown to go to Hamas, not the civilian population when they do. You don’t understand the information space or war crimes. This does however show why they want to end the conflict as quickly as possible. It clouds decision making.

      Bombing a convoy of mismarked vehicles is not a war crime. Just because you through a red crescent on your logistics vehicles and then use them to transport combatants does not make it an illegitimate target. Hamas does this because it works. The IDF has shown at least some of their intelligence supporting this. https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/hamas-israel-war-articles-videos-and-more/war-on-hamas-2023-resources/hamas-terrorist-uses-ambulances-for-transportation-purposes/ You don’t understand war crimes.

      Something called a refugee camp for 80 years is not an active refugee camp. You don’t understand the information space

      Intentionally targeting reporters is a war crime. I’m yet to see anything close to intent but it is sad that reporters have been caught up and killed regardless. They are actively trying to gain more information from Gaza which does put them more at risk.

      The IDF is not using white phosphorous munitions within Gaza City but have probably used it for illumination. This is perfectly legal. You don’t understand the information space.

      If any of these statements are inaccurate, feel free to provide a source that has actual evidence. War crimes happen in literally every army so don’t think I don’t think they happen. The difference is when it is planned, condoned, and unprosecuted by the supporting organization. That is my burden of proof. I have seen the Hamas operations order. The IDF have so far not been acting out of accordance with what’s expected of a modern professional fighting force.