• gedaliyah@lemmy.worldM
    2 hours ago

    This is a weirdly commonly held belief among far right accelerationists. They think that the race war is inevitable, and if there is enough social disruption, social order will break down, people will turn to the militias, and guess who runs the militias?

    The US electrical grid is shockingly vulnerable. Transfer stations can be disabled from a distance by rifle fire. There is no practical way to guard or physically secure every single one. A disabled transfer station has the potential to cause a cascade failure that could cause catastrophic failure of the grid. The USA has just three grids, Eastern, Western, and Texas. So terrorists have figured that attacking the power grid is the easiest way to cause maximum disruption with a single bullet.

    The thing is, each of the grids has failed in the past, and while there was some disruption for a couple days, there has never been a social breakdown. The other thing is that the dummies who plan these attacks keep getting caught before they can do any damage.