As per title. Most computer games these days are made with such unnecessary padding that I want to murder the devs or myself by the end. See, for example, Hyrule Warriors, the 100% 1000 Hour Nightmare, the Review.
The second game I ever 100%ed was Arceus and I still can’t stand the thought of picking it up again, years later. The first game was Horizon Zero Dawn, which is still fun.
Best thing about it is that it never ends.
Nope. I’m not capable of getting the three timed achievements, and I’m not uninstalling my mods.
I 100 percented it before going into mods. There is no spoon is very achievable, I did it in half the time it takes. Best part is you can just do a multiplayer run with it, you and your mates.
I almost got one, and never tried again. Fuck that noise, I need the Squeak Through mod and refuse to live without.
Just finish the factory maaaaan