Observe how the wall reflects sunlight : the paint gives off a blueish shine caused by a tiny amount of lead in it, around 3-5% -this is consistent with paints made in the URSS until 1985 and sold throughout central Asia. The paint strokes go in a NW-to-SE diagonal which indicates a preference of the painter for right-to-left script.
We’re in Tadjikistan.
Observe how the wall reflects sunlight : the paint gives off a blueish shine caused by a tiny amount of lead in it, around 3-5% -this is consistent with paints made in the URSS until 1985 and sold throughout central Asia. The paint strokes go in a NW-to-SE diagonal which indicates a preference of the painter for right-to-left script. We’re in Tadjikistan.
That’s too dumb even for a Seagal movie, son