The Labor Department said in a press release that it fined Win.IT America Inc. for $30,276 in civil money penalties after violating child labor provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act. Investigators found that the company employed two children, an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old, for months at its distribution center.
The fine should be equal to the company’s net profit for every month those kids worked … and 1/2 of it should be paid to the kids and their families.
That’s how you get hollywood accounting. It should either be based on revenue or some multiple of the cost of doing it correctly the first time (multiple being based on risk of getting caught) or some multiple of the cost of investigating. Either that, and/or everyone in a management position that knew about these kids should be criminally charged and barred from management positions in similar workplaces.
That’s how you get families exploiting their kids to get them into dangerous jobs just to turn around for the payoff. The families should also be investigated for letting their kids work dangerous jobs.