• Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    Guys, this is not a complicated discussion: I have spent a decade in the boreal forest, I and I can fucking tell you I’m picking the bear, too, every time. At least I can mace the fucking bear if it annoys me; macing crew assistants requires too much paper work…

    Some context: my background is in pre-disturbance biophysical surveys. I (used to) go out into boreal, where they want to build something, and tell them what’s there from an environmental standpoint. Teams are small (maybe 12 people) and split into two-person crews. We were often paired guy-girl teams, since my specific discipline is very physical (not like veg, where you’re just looking at plants). So, I’ve literally been the dude in the woods with some girl, for a 14 day shift, and it’s just her and I. The next crew is maybe 2-3 kms away.

    Anyway, the point I’m trying (poorly) to make, is that women really have to deal with a lot of shit. Part of working remotely, is you’re often staying in camps, and camp life for women sucks. Bunch of dude eye raping you as you’re just trying to eat your fucking cheerios, and that’s just the start of it. The other half is they’re treated (when dealing with other workers) as if they don’t know anything. It’s flat bullshit.