• mlg@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Because he approved the last 5 shipments of weapons?

    Because he’s knowingly obscuring war crimes on behalf of Israel?

    Because he keeps vetoing overwhelmingly supported UN resolutions against Israel?

    Because he refuses to acknowledge university protests as anti genocide?

    Because he waited 6 months before deciding to stop funding a genocide?

    Because this report is still fresh and could mean literally nothing because the White House has not responded with comment?

      • intrepid@lemmy.ca
        4 months ago

        I was hoping to not engage in this discussion. But I have never seen such a hypocritical take on current affairs.

        You have talked about antisemitism and genocide here. Antisemitism is real. But what Israeli supporters are doing here is to use that to shut down genuine criticisms of criminal activities. Your past history of persecution doesn’t give you a free pass to do the same onto others. You can’t claim racism to oppose the criticisms you receive due to your activities. Stop hiding behind strawman arguments.

        And what do you mean by ‘cheapening the genocide’? That it’s only genocide if Jews die at the hands of the Nazis or other antisemites? Or that the Palestinians are too cheap to be considered as genocided when they are killed en masse? Are you even honest enough to talk about the Palestinian casualties in terms of cause and numbers and still claim that it isn’t a genocide? Genocide has a well defined meaning. You don’t have a monopoly on it to twist it to your whims.

        It doesn’t take too much common sense to see that the Israeli response to Hamas’ initial wrong doings is greatly out of proportion. Hamas incursion was just an excuse to justify the ethnic cleansing in the region. But all I see is this transgression being billed as anti-hamas when even children are being slaughtered. How convenient is it to club all who you don’t like into a single terrorist group!

        what war crimes have israeli been convicted of and what does that have to do with biden?

        The same war crimes that other countries want to convict Israel of, but that’s blocked by Israel and the USA. The one that ICC at Hague is trying to, but is blocked by Bibi and biden pair.

        ‘I’m not convicted of anything’ isn’t a proper or even honest response when you control if you will be prosecuted at all. What you have applied is the justice of a tyrant - not that of a fair judicial system.