At least in Germany, depending on contract, monthly payments vary heavily. For instance the labour agreement for the automotive industry contains a 13th salary at christmas time, vacation pay in summer, a bonus in spring depending on company performance, a potential bonus if you pass on some vacation days and more. Other contracts only have a monthly salary and no bonuses. My contract has only one bonus depending on company performance in April while my wife gets 12.8 monthly salaries (1.8x salary in November as end-of-year bonus). To compare job offers in any way, you can only go with the annual number.
At least in Germany, depending on contract, monthly payments vary heavily. For instance the labour agreement for the automotive industry contains a 13th salary at christmas time, vacation pay in summer, a bonus in spring depending on company performance, a potential bonus if you pass on some vacation days and more. Other contracts only have a monthly salary and no bonuses. My contract has only one bonus depending on company performance in April while my wife gets 12.8 monthly salaries (1.8x salary in November as end-of-year bonus). To compare job offers in any way, you can only go with the annual number.