Usually I rely on my network & haven’t needed this kind of document in ages, but I’ve been tasked with creating a résumé for myself. I’ve grown more privacy-conscious every year & I think it’s weird that we are expected to give out so much information about ourselves to companies that lie about their culture & don’t want you sharing salary information with your coworkers. I have read stories about how these documents & information can sometimes get leaked & shared on the web which is pretty sketch.
TIL about “functional résumés” which it appears are usually meant to cover up your lack of work experience, but I like the idea of covering up a lot of my specific history as it is the skills that should matter more, no? Do you give out all of your info?
Yeah, always had fun in the job skills section for people. I worked IT for about 15 years doing what I was hiring for. I was just looking for basics a lot of the time, for what they put down on their resume. If it’s on there I am gonna ask about it.
Have git on your resume I am gonna ask about pulling, pushing and branching. Have Linux I am gonna ask how to grow a disk in it and basic shit you will run into as a sysadmin. Networking I am gonna ask someone in networking because that’s black magic lol. I had a CCNA at one point but never used it but I know when to pull people in
How do you grow a disk in linux? I am tempted to make a joke about planting hard drive seeds but I do genuinely want to know what you mean.