• 7 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • peanut butter

    This one absolutely turns on what kind of peanut butter you have. Jif/Skippy etc. shouldn’t go into the fridge. It was engineered, for better or worse, to be shelf stable and turns into silly putty if it’s cold. Most “Real” peanut butter separates like a mofo if it’s in the pantry, requiring frequent stirring, and many recipes will never quite be solid enough to spread well. In the fridge, they are much easier to deal with, though my latchkey Xennial ass still prefers the wondrous combination of peanut-inspired substances and mid-century food science.

  • LED joysticks that can select from over 16 million color options. This might not be practical, considering only about 25 different color settings would have been sufficient.

    So the RGB leds come with 256 levels of brightness for each color. Don’t worry, article-writer, the company wasted zero extra effort on this “feature.”

    I consider getting one of these things every once in a while, but then I remember that I’ve pulled my hacked PSP out of the drawer like three times in the last ten years, and I shrug and move on. It’s generally more fun for me to plug a USB controller into my computer for retrogaming.