Queer femme gray ace crone, still figuring it out.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I had two cats from the same litter who had opposite personalities, just like your two. They were both fixed as kittens. The male was very aggressive with play and dominant, he would try to hog everything. The female was very calm and gentle, though she would fight back if the male was being a brat. I had to feed them in separate rooms, also play with them separately. They occasionally played together, but not much, even as adults. I used a spray bottle to deter bad behavior like biting. I got a big glove to use when rough playing with the male. They eventually worked out a heirarchy amongst themselves for cuddles, but they were always very different personalities. The male calmed down as he got older, but it took time.

    Point being, yours may never gel and get along to the point of you being able to have them do everything together, and that’s ok. But I think your intuition is right, he will calm down as he gets older and is fixed.

  • I personally think downvotes are unnecessary, because if there’s any constructive disagreements to be discussed, it’s better to get people talking rather than downvoting. Not upvoting is basically the new downvote, which would make sense if someone is flaming or trying to sow discord, they are basically ignored. Negative attention is still attention, and those types don’t deserve any.

    Edit: To clarify, I think downvotes aren’t a good idea for blahaj but, as others ITT said, will put us at a disadvantage if other instances have downvotes enabled.