Really? I went into the first product, some cast iron pan snd did not see any mentioning of the origin. e.g. https://cookinglife.eu/products/cast-iron-frying-pan-cast-iron-o-25-cm-without-non-stick-coating
Really? I went into the first product, some cast iron pan snd did not see any mentioning of the origin. e.g. https://cookinglife.eu/products/cast-iron-frying-pan-cast-iron-o-25-cm-without-non-stick-coating
Yes, that is what I would have used, but it is difficult to select the text from the phone. Thanks again for the effort.
Thanks for translating
Decomposing at old age in some field snd then a tree grows out of me
I started uploading my youtube videos there as well. Starting from my oldest ones. I am not a big youtuber, I don’t have sponsorships and so, although I am monetized on YouTube I make very little because I do it as a hobby outside of work, son don’t upload to often. I don’t know about the big channels, that do have sponsorships, if they would be limited by that part to post on PeerTube.
Maybe give them feedback and ask for it? If a lot of people request it, they might consider it.