This is really helpful thanks, I’ve got some reading to do!
This is really helpful thanks, I’ve got some reading to do!
Oh I didn’t know that, will have to take a look!
I currently manage >90% of my desktop Fedora install with Ansible, so this feels like a spiritual equivalent to that. If I could get the Bluefin folks to organise they layers the right way I could avoid needing to track what needs to be undone, and the extra storage and transfer needed for content I’ll hide under my layer. Definitely something to think about.
It’s just triggering Super+C under the hood, you could definitely assign it to a global shortcut with Gnome’s keyboard shortcuts. You could probably also get it to work like whatever key should be there (ctrl?) with a little more effort.
It has that performance at 65% resolution scaling.
You needed to also recite the incantation.