• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’ve never seen the view of an IPO so heavily affected by bias. Superusers hate Reddit but so what - what matters is whether soccer moms are scrolling and being shown ads. No one cares that the most costly users are unsatisfied. You and me both are nothing to investors.

    Is there some objective analysis of this IPO? All I’m seeing is “I’m a superuser who spent a lot of time on Reddit in 2007 and it was far superior back then. The stock will tank.”

  • Vår grannes grannes grannes hus började brinna och vi tyckte att var en bra idé att teckna en hemförsäkring. Huset därborta har nu brunnit i 1,5 år och fortfarande inte spridit sig.

    Jag vet inte. Min känsla är att NATO-ansökan kom alltför hastigt och var ett panikartat beslut. Beslutet togs baserat på att Ryssland var läskigt för 1,5 år sen. Inte baserat på om vi vill vara med i NATO om 10 eller 20 år.

  • I just try really hard to do the small things all the time. Whenever I leave a room, I try to bring something with me that shouldn’t be in that room. Whenever I go into the kitchen, I try to clean one thing in the kitchen whether it’s putting something in the dishwasher or throwing out an empty package.

    Just do small things whenever you have a moment.

    Our place still looks chaotic though so don’t expect miracles.