Dice maker, gamer nerd, developer, Dolphins fan. Reddit refugee (maybe).

Still fighting the 80s 8-bit wars, one port comparison at a time.

Me on Mastodon

Me on Pixelfed

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Dave@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldGenerative A.I - We Aren’t Ready.
    4 months ago

    I’m starting to think that we need to see AI research in the same way we see biological weapon research - a visit from a SEAL team or a cruise missile for any identified laboratory. Smash the disks, burn all the print outs!

    Okay, this is hyperbolic and unrealistic, but I agree with this lion-maned YouTuber - we are really not ready.

    AI as a tech is game changing, but it practically demands at least UBI (and probably some form of socialism) as a prerequisite. We, meanwhile, are still electing conservative governments! The same arseholes that will label the legions of unemployed artists, actors, musicians, coders, admin assistants etc etc as lazy and cut their benefits.

    Does anyone truly believe that a tech that can replace half of human jobs is going to create happy outcomes in today’s society? Or will it just make tech-bros and scammers richer, and virtually everyone else poorer?

  • It’s interesting how far Linux desktop has progressed recently… I don’t hate Windows, in fact I think it’s a great OS for most purposes. But I happened to try Linux Mint a few years ago in a fit of pique about being excluded from the Win11 upgrade for spurious reasons… and it just kind of stuck.

    Two years later and I am full on Linux now. Don’t even have a Windows partition (though I do keep a VM). And I’m about to buy a new laptop that I intend to buy without an OS, it will never be touched by Windows, there’s just no need.

    For my purposes, Linux does everything now. OS, software, the games I want to play… I never even think about it. Also, everywhere I look, I see Linux - my Steamdeck, my MiSTer, my Pis, my Miyoo Mini. It’s everywhere…

  • Dave@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlhow is Lemmy going for you?
    11 months ago

    Pretty good. It’s my default morning scroll, at least.

    I’ve got a lot more comfortable with it since using Alexandrite on desktop and Sync on mobile.

    The only thing really missing at the moment is content. It tends to be good for the high profile stuff, but a bit lacking for the niche stuff. I still sneak back to the other place on occasion to catch up on smaller communities… hopefully that will come with time.

  • I got it to work with 1Password, but it seems unfinished and very risky.

    To get it to work, I copied the link that the “2FA installation link” button points at, and pasted that into a new 2-factor field in 1password. It presumably was able to extract the secret and start generating the codes. I’ve tested it and it works.

    However, it’s risky because Lemmy doesn’t verify you have the correct codes before enabling 2FA. It just assumes you’ll be able to use the cryptic link for something. So if you log out before you’ve set it up, and you mess up the set up, you might not be able to get back in. There are no backup codes as far as I can tell.

    So if you do attempt it, I would recommend keeping a device logged in so you can disable it if it goes wrong.

  • I think an important part about choosing instances (across the whole fediverse, not just Lemmy) will be to inspect an instance’s plan for paying the bills. As you say, this stuff isn’t free and even the most enthusiastic admin isn’t going to foot the bill for very long on their own.

    It seems clear to me now that the traditional way of paying for services via ad revenue doesn’t work for the end user. It is open to abuse by those selling the ad space, detrimental to the users, and ultimately doomed to… well, Reddit.

    The only other viable alternative is a system based on user donations, with everyone contributing within their means, plus a bit of transparency on the part of the server admins. I’ve made my peace with having a small amount of money per month being my “fediverse budget”, a couple of quid here and there to support the services that I enjoy using. I hope that enough users also come to this realisation too.