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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Some people like the idea but to me that only makes sense if you are basically doing the nomad thing at a cheap location. You’d want to stay in the place for awhile as you’re still spending most of the “vacation” working all day. On your days off you could do more. On an actual vacation you would actually be enjoying yourself the whole time. Traveling to just spend all your time working seems like a waste.

    Also just try to work on just a laptop for a week. It sucks. I’m not doing that.

  • @crow Not really sure how someone faking it would expect things to work out. Someone could decide they could get a bunch of clout and followers by faking it. But at some point they get shown to be a fraud then they lose any following they had. Are the people who claim to have discovered something notable before this or could they just be riding a wave for a min for a quick buck? I guess there have been cases in more proper scientific circles of faked results.

    Reporting on it is kinda whatever as that’s kinda just talking about what someone else claimed.

    Another possibility is that some other mechanism is at work or there is a fault in the test setup. At that point the person making the claim could be wrong but not necessarily aware of it. Maybe due to a lack of knowledge.

    @science @technology @dzen

  • I have music or whatever it’s called now because I music and red together where the same price as just red. I still have it because I use YouTube more than streaming services like Netflix and don’t mind supporting creators I’m watching. I use some of the features of premium on the app on my phone and fire stick too which could be worked around but would be a hassle.

    For a vast majority of people who mainly view YouTube as a free service I highly doubt they’d be willing to pay $7 a month let alone $14. A large portion of their viewer base is kids and they aren’t going to pay. Maybe if they add stickers or whatever TikTok is going nuts over as part of the monthly sub.

  • Medical issues are by fair the biggest risk, many of which is related to obesity and poor health choices on top of a lack of healthcare. Or it’s just cancer or covid. Suicide might make the top 10 which again relates to a lack of healthcare.

    Accidents of any kind make the top 4 or 3 but violence or murder isn’t that high on the list. The subset of gun violence is even smaller. There has been a downward trend in violence for decades now. It doesn’t feel that way with the news but people are generally less likely to be murdered than they were in the past. For a lot of the social issues failures with the economic system and a lack of social programs is the root cause for a lot of things.

  • The rabbits thing happened a long time ago. Some rich dude got like a dozen and set them loose on his property so he could hunt them. They multiplied like rabbits tend to and spread.

    I would have thought they’d be some good grub for predators down there but I guess not enough to keep their population in check. The government actually tried using biological warfare on the rabbits without success.