👻 Booooh…get fucked!

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Then fucking do something against it! How long will the west and the NATO tolerate the murders, the espionage, the sabotage done by Russia inside our borders? Step up against Putin, show some dignity and start drawing some red lines and enforce them if they are crossed.

    The NATO could start by showing a stronger support for their allies who are supporting Ukraine with equipment and aid. As a german it is painful to watch that we are always hiding behind the fear of beeing declared a “war party” by those fucks in the Kreml. If NATO would declare that they back up all those supporters for Ukraine and that every action against those supporters by Russia would result in Article 5 we wouldn’t have these issues and could provide Ukraine with everything they need…

    But instead we are leaving the Russians free hand in their actions and are wondering why that degenerate Putin is not backing up…

  • Ah there is our comrad, downtalking the murdering uf Ukranians since 10 years now. I don’t care if the scale has increased, Russia is killing Ukranians for 10 years now and this invasion is going on since 10 years now and it just got worse and worse. And you seem to be the one with an “agenda” if I may say so, talking everything down, making Russia greater then they are, using videogame terms for the atrocites the Russians are commiting…

    It seems like you are from Germany or Austria. So you don’t have any stakes here either way.

    German with ukraninan origin and an ukraninan father, so I have my stakes in this and I don’t need a someone like you to tell me what stakes I should have, so now be so kind and fuck off.