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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The only thing that can correct bad science is good science.

    That’s the great thing about the scientific method, as soon as someone presents a flawed hypothesis which is then subjected to scrutiny, good science has the opportunity to shine a light on the mistakes.

    The process of science is not deeply flawed. Just because capitalism does indeed incentivize some to stray away from the scientific method does not then make science itself flawed.

    You are throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    Capitalism is a big problem, but to say that the scientific method is deeply flawed because of capitalism is not correct.

  • If all scientific knowledge were to suddenly disappear and we were to start from square one, it would all reappear exactly like it is. We would rediscover gravity, evolution, the expansion of the universe, etc.

    Just because some scientific research is funded by entities with a bias, does not mean that the process of science is corrupted.

    Often times the results of the research funded by biased corporations and institutions results in discovery that is contrary to the goal of the entity and so they just stop funding it. Sometimes they actively try to bury the discoveries, however the process of science will ensure that the truth comes to light eventually.

    This meme has a poor understanding of science.

  • It’s ironic that you cite a country where the government and ruling family are linked inextricably to Islam, but I digress.

    I wish that were true. But we’ve got a history of being extremely callous with athletes and spectators alike.

    Name any other ongoing event that kills thousands of people every single year like clockwork.

    Not trying to argue or anything… I just think that Islam is a foolish religion in the same way that Muslims might think that Mormonism is a foolish religion.

    Mormonism is stupid, but if they had an event that killed thousands of people from Utah every year I would like to think that at least OSHA would step in or something.

  • If they’d died in the Saudi heat to a secular activity - at an F1 race event or inside a poorly A/C’d movie theater or trapped on an overheated bus - would that have been better?

    What a ridiculous statement. No it wouldn’t be better, but when was the last time you heard of nearly a thousand people dying at an F1 race event, or inside a movie theatre due to lack of AC? If that were happening multiple times per year we would shut down F1 /movie theaters in a heartbeat.

    Fact is that the Hajj claims thousands of lives every year, all in the name of religion.

    Which is a shame, because the Hajj as a cultural event was originally intended as this class-agnostic unifying practice social event. You aren’t supposed to visit these holy sites encapsulated into these exclusive expensive little bubbles. You’re intended to mingle with people from the rest of the world and revel in a certain shared experience common to the faith the world over.

    Yea as long as you aren’t a woman.

    Don’t be surprised that people are using religion to grift the gullible and exploit the poor - that’s what religion is best at.

    The Saudi government has an ethical responsibility to mitigate the risks. It’s not like this was some freak accident. This was entirely predictable and this will defiantly continue to happen until protections are put into place.

  • UmeU@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIt's real
    13 days ago

    The onion should do a satire version of this article…

    #1) BizzBop: a can of soda

    #2) shaplopped: sitting down in your chair too hard

    #3) smooly-D: having difficulty keeping aim at the urinal.

    #4) snorkeling: to have such abundance that you are euphemistically ‘swimming’ in something.

    Last night I shaplopped, was snorkeling in bizzbop so hard that my smooly-D was straight killing it.

    What else y’all got?

  • Such senseless loss of life in the name of religion. Many hundreds or thousands of people die each year doing the pilgrimage, often times from crowd crushes, literally getting squished to death because there are so many people, or just exhaustion.

    There are only a few short video clips on YouTube of the massive crowds and it is sort of unnerving seeing that many people in a moving crowd. Super weird what religion makes people do.

    There is also this weird video which talks about how they plan to revolutionize the hajj to make it safer and accessible to more people - using technology in a weird blend of old world meets new.

    I do hope they find a way to make it safer because people will never stop doing it, but the whole concept just seems absurd to me.

  • If I wanted to polarize, I would be on truth social shouting fuck trump, not on Lemmy.

    It’s the billionaires that shape the world, not you and me.

    The world you would rather live in is not the world you actually live in.

    If you get upset when you read naughty words or read an opinion you don’t agree with, then grow up and go fuck yourself.

  • Copy paste top answer from the original question is below.

    I find it refreshing that there are actually people out there who are smart and understand this stuff, when I am constantly surrounded by stupid people like myself.

    For an exact calculation we need to address a few choices: (you can change them, the answer will not be tremendously affected)

    1. What is the receiver? Let’s assume a 70 m dish, like this one [CDSCC] in the Deep Space Network.
    2. [Voyager 1] can transmit at 2.3GHz or 8.4GHz. Let’s assume 8.4GHz, for better beam forming (but probably it can only use the lowest frequency at the highest power, so this could be too optimistic).
    3. Does “received” mean all photons hitting the antenna dish, or only those entering the electronic circuit of the first LNA? A similar question can be asked for the transmitter in the space craft. We’ll ignore this here since losses related to illuminators or Cassegrain construction will not even be one order of magnitude, insignificant compared with the rest. Answers:\

    A) Voyager sends 160 bits/second with 23W. Using 8.3GHz this is 4⋅1024 photons per second, or 2.6⋅1022 per bit, because for frequency f the energy per photon is only Eϕ=ℏω=2πℏf=5.5⋅10−24J  or  5.5 yJ (yoctojoule).

    B) The beam forming by Voyager’s d=3.7mdish will direct them predominantly to Earth, with (πd/λ)2 antenna gain, but still, at the current distance of R=23.5 billion kilometers, this only results in 3.4⋅10−22 Watt per square meter reaching Earth, so a receiver with a D=70m dish will collect only 1.3 attowatt (1.3⋅10−18W), summarized by: Preceived=Ptransmit (πdλ)2 14πR2 πD24 Dividing by Eϕ we see that this power then still corresponds to c. 240000 photons per second, or 1500 photons per bit. If we assume f=2.3GHz this becomes 415 photons per bit. And if we introduce some realistic losses here and there perhaps only half of that.

    C) (Although not asked in the question) how many photons per bit are needed? The [Shannon limit] C=Blog2(1+SN), relates bandwidth B, and S/N ratio to maximum channel capacity. It follows that with only thermal noise N=kTnoiseB, the required energy per bit is: Ebit=SC=kTnoise 2C/B−1C/B ⇒ limC≪B  Ebit=kTnoiselog2, where C≪B is the so-called “ultimate” Shannon limit. With only the CMB (Tnoise=3K)we would then need 41yJ, or 41⋅10−24J, per bit. That’s only 7.5 photons at 8.3GHz. But additional atmospheric noise and circuit noise, even with a good cryogenic receiver, could easily raise Tnoise to about 10K and then we need 25photons per bit at 8.3GHz, and even 91 at 2.3GHz. So clearly there is not much margin.