Pleas don’t give Hollywood any ideas…
Pleas don’t give Hollywood any ideas…
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Yea, i guess the Budapest Memorandum meant nothing huh? Thank you “yankstupids” what an insightful
What a naive and infantile way of looking at the world.
Like we’ll be eating some rich people and suddenly the rich guy I’m eating is not lefty halal because they aren’t organic or grass fed or some shit.
I think I agree but part of me wonders when the purity testing actually stops…
Don’t worry. We’ll make butter milk out of it lol
Yea no. Try having a nuanced discussion on any (insert heated topic here) on Lemmy and watch the labels fly out faster than the ejaculate of a post pubescent 15 year old.
Arroz con Pollo. I can eat that all. Day.
Remember: the only people who say this want to see Trump win. You can vote with your conscience all you want, but it’s only mathematically possible for only one of two parties to get elected.
If third parties or independents actually wanted a shot, they’d put in the work outside of elections, building coalitions and locally from the ground up.
Sam Reich is the goat
Never heard of Qobuz. Been looking to replace yt music. Their algorithm is trash.
I understood that refere-BAM!
I would say Lemmy is very heavy on emotions. Not a diss on Lemmy. I think it’s a great platform but my god! It’s like being stuck in an elevator with the angriest hormonal teens on the planet. Everyone, jeesus, please just chill and have a convo. My god.
I don’t know how people got that take from Tropic Thunder when they explicitly make reference inside the movie to how messed up and wrong it was. Like, that was the joke. RDJ was playing a character so full of himself that took method acting to it’s extreme. Am I missing something? Id love to be educated
It was a mumbled yes. After Mehdi asked her ten times. Only to be followed by ‘but but but’. Gotta be careful what we say about Putin, right? No problem with Biden though. Clear and emphatic out of the gate YES
Why can’t it be a yes full stop? The same way she did for two others?
It’s yes but with an excuse. It’s not a hard yes. It shouldn’t be like pulling teeth. She seems to have no difficulty saying that for Biden. What gives?
You can tell the writers are running out of ideas this season