• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023

  • Some applications use those unused bits to add tags to pointers but it’s important to mask those out before attempting to dereference the address. I’m not sure about ARM but x86-64 requires bits 49-63 to be copies of bit 48 (kinda like sign-extension), ironically to ensure that no one is using those bits to store extra data.

  • That’s one of the fundamental disagreements between Catholics and Protestants.

    A Catholic would argue that veneration of saints isn’t worship, it’s showing respect for someone who exemplified Christian ideals, or died as a martyr. Canonization is basically the religious version of the Medal of Honor.

    A Protestant would argue that the distinction between veneration and worship is arbitrary, and veneration of a saint essentially amounts to idolatry anyway.

  • I’ve recently been thinking a lot about the recyclability of plastic. I have several stacks of plastic drink cups from various fast food joints in my kitchen; as much as possible, I try to save up and bundle together similar types of plastic before I throw it in the recycling bin, to try to save some sorting effort. And in doing so, I noticed something.

    The thing is, a lot of single-use plastics have very similar properties. PETE, HDPE, Polypropylene, solid polystyrene, they’re all used to package similar or identical products. I think they’re more or less interchangeable, and the choice of a given plastic for a given application has more to do with cost, availability and the preferences of the product engineer than any specific material properties of the plastic itself. There’s obviously going to be some exceptions, but I think those are going to be few and far between, and a lot of them could be addressed by switching to other materials.

    I think a great first step would be for regulators to encourage/force industries to standardize on one or two types of plastic at most, and eliminate plastics that aren’t worth recycling, like polystyrene. That should reduce the manual labor required by a significant amount once the other plastics are eliminated from the waste stream, and make it feasible to recycle plastics locally instead of shipping them off to a third world country.

    I think companies should be taxed or otherwise penalized for the plastic waste they foist on consumers, because often there’s little choice involved unless you want to boycott a company entirely. If I wanted to eliminate plastic cups from my life, I’d pretty much have to stop getting fast food altogether (yes I know I should probably do that anyway, but that’s beside the point). A tax on bulk purchases of plastic may end up being passed down to consumers, but the revenue could be put towards subsidizing production of more renewable materials.

    I think food stamp programs could be a strong driver for change on this, as they could refuse to cover products that generate excessive waste. With enough warning, there should be enough time for companies to switch their products to be compliant with little disruption to the consumer.

  • It is being used to develop a quantum compass – an instrument that will exploit the behaviour of subatomic matter in order to develop devices that can accurately pinpoint their locations no matter where they are placed,


    The aim of the Imperial College project […] is to create a device that is not only accurate in fixing its position, but also does not rely on receiving external signals.

    These statements imply the device can know exactly where it is in space just by measuring some purely internal quantum effect, which conflicts with the principles of Lorentz invariance and relativity.

    Both are constructed around the same idea that there’s nothing special in the laws of physics that changes with where you are or how fast you’re going. That observation is what led the conclusion that the speed of light is the same in every reference frame, and to Einstein developing the theory of relativity.

    In reality, the device needs an external signal to learn its initial position. And it’s unlikely to be perfectly accurate so it may still need periodic updates, just hopefully a lot less frequently.

    The London Underground is actually kind of a dumb use-case because it’s fixed infrastructure. You can just have something like RFID tags around the track that the train reads as it goes by. And there’s going to be sensors in the track that report trains’ presence to a central control room. It’s just a good setting to test the device.

    What it’s really potentially quite useful for is nuclear submarines since they can stay underwater pretty much as long as their food supplies last, and knowing their position without using sonar or being able to receive GPS signals is quite important for navigation and obstacle avoidance. But the author was probably told to downplay potential military applications.

  • Wanting to and actually doing it are two different things.

    The problem is that open source devs also have to be their own project managers, but those two jobs have very different skillsets.

    In regular software development, it’s the PM’s job to deal with the drama, filter the idiocy out and collect concise and actionable user stories, and let the developers just write code.

    In open source, you tend to deal with a lot of entitlement. All kinds of people, who never gave you a dime, come out out of the woodwork to yell at you over every little change. The bigger and farther reaching a project is, the more this happens, and it wears you down. I can only imagine what it’s like working on a huge project like GNOME.

    And the toxicity feeds into itself. Be kurt with one person, and suddenly it gets out that you’re an asshole to users. Then people come in expecting hostility and react defensively to every little comment. And that puts you in the same mindset.

    At the end of the day, you can’t satisfy everyone. Sometimes you gotta figure out how to tell someone their feature request is stupid and you’re not gonna work on it, especially not for free. And a lot of people need to learn to try to fix problems themselves before opening an issue. That’s kind of the whole point of open source.

  • At this point, no. But it’s still incredibly annoying and a little spooky when I’m laying in bed and I see my computer screen light up in the next room when it’s not supposed to.

    It’ll even wake itself from sleep when it wants to update, but it won’t start it automatically, I think because it hits the lock screen.

    I’ll probably try Linux on ir when Windows 10 hits EOL.