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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • You know who just had the opportunity to focus on what Trump did (and is doing) wrong and flubbed it? Biden.

    A vote for Biden is the easiest decision I’ll make this year. Biden and his administration are doing solid work and I want to see more of it. Trump ensures genocide in Gaza. Trump ensures even more horrible acts in Ukraine by Russia. Trump ensures an even further conservative Supreme Court, further destroying and reversing settled law. Another 4 years of Trump will be a disaster.

    But I know this already.

    Any other generic Democrat would have kicked Trump’s ass last night. Trump tells a lie, they correct it. Biden got a few blows in but he flubbed so many more.

    Look at abortion, a layup for Democrats. America as a whole agrees with Democrats on the issue. What did Biden do? Fumbled and wandered into something about immigration.

    The focus on Biden because we want better. Biden is better. Prove it.

  • I guess if we get new games in the long run I don’t really mind, it just seems weird.

    I played Yooka-Laylee on release and it was overall an enjoyable game. As I understand they fixed a number of bugs a few months after release, but by then us release day folks had beaten it (and reviewers reviewed it).

    The first level of the game was excellent, the later levels felt more rushed (or at least lacking the same level of polish). Maybe the changes will be to those levels, although level layout is key so I don’t know if you can just resize/move things.

    I played Impossible Lair about a year after release and thought it was awesome.

    Based on this trailer I doubt I’ll play the original again, but maybe I can be convinced.

  • I’m not sure you can call Furiosa franchise milking.

    Apart from sharing a name the 2015 film came out 30 years after the previous film and has little to actually connect them apart from the main characters name and the general theme. If it wasn’t the same director it would be just a love letter to those films instead of a reboot.

    Furiosa is a prequel that came out 9 years later.

    Making a film and then a follow up 9 years later is FAR from milking a franchise.

    Additionally both stories are completely new and not remakes.

  • Obviously I don’t know what the details of he suit against Disney but the truth is Disney fucked up and they knew it.

    Disney tried to gain a few extra bucks at the cost of a legal battle with Johansson. If Disney won it would have been a clear signal that Disney is willing to screw over top talent for a few million dollars.

    Not to compare “Black Widow” to “Endgame”, but that’s squabbling over millions when billions are at stake.

    Looking at someone like Johansson that’s squabbling over millions when tens of hundreds millions are at stake. Contracts with top talent now take longer, top talent is a little less likely to work with Disney.

    It all but guaranteed a loss for Disney.

    The settlement was Disney’s way of saying “we fucked up”, and truth be told was probably at least partially responsible for Bob Chapek being replaced as CEO.