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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’ve done you one better;

    my community and I have gotten together and funded local orgs that house and give homeless people basic amenities. Even safe places and tools to use drugs without harming others or spreading disease. We even gave them exemption from police searches while using these services so the government thugs can’t harass or batter them just for being homeless or addicted to drugs.

    I have also personally let a homeless person use my shower and sleep on my couch, but I have no way of proving that to you.

    They’re humans, they have basic human needs.

  • In cabinetmaking my teachers used to say “doctors and lawyers” and it stuck to my life outside cabinetmaking. In music there’s so many people who can hardly play or only play in their basements who have gear my gigging punk ass would never even think of owning. I went to a pedal Expo recently and I had no idea what half the stuff was and I play in a couple of pretty successful bands.

  • Let’s not let his ‘dumb guy just asking questions’ facade distract from how much absolute damage this chode has done to every edgy anti-authoritarian and alpha dude-bro who had the misfortune of falling for that facade. This motherfucker is a propagandist, probably one of the most effective on the present generation and I’ve lost good friends who listened to his show and believed every lie told by every alt right pundit, snake oil salesmen or billionaire that Joe platformed without challenging them in any way.

    This meme itself feels like it just exists to get reposted every few months to uphold his phoney persona.