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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • Kidney stones fucking suck too. Note that there are more than just the calcium oxalate kidney stones, but for those ones in particular, other things high in oxalates that you might be eating that are high in oxalates: spinach, chocolate, tea, nuts, sweet potatoes.
    So if you’re trying to eat healthier, don’t fully adjust to eating (breakfast) an oatmeal bake with nuts, peanut butter, and chocolate; (lunch) wraps using a spinach wrap and/or spinach instead of lettuce for the greens in it; and tea instead sodas… Unless you like the idea of Tylenol sized kidney stones.

  • It absolutely should not have been named zeroth() because the reasoning for that is purely pedantic and ignores WHY arrays are 0 indexed. It’s not like the people in the early days of writing programming languages were saying “the zeroth item in the array” - they would refer to it using human language because they are humans, not machines. Arrays are 0 indexed because it’s more efficient for address location. To get the location in memory of an array item, it’s startingAddress + (objectSize * index). If they were 1 indexed, the machine would have to reverse the offset.
    Function/Method names, on the other hand, should be written so as to make the most sense to the humans reading and writing the code, because the humans are the only ones that care what the name is. When you have an array or list, it’s intuitive to think “I want the first thing in the array” or “I want the last thing in the array),” so it makes sense to use first and last. That also makes them intuitive counterparts (what would be the intuitive counterpart to “zeroth”?).

  • I don’t think it could be hashed if it is case insensitive. It’s fairly early so I may be misremembering but I’m not aware of any hashing algo that ignores case.

    Edit: Ah, actually they could be storing the password as a hash, but they would probably have to do like a password. ToLower() call or something where they morphed the string before checking… The thought of which just makes me shudder.

  • I find it interesting that with ASD, there is (apparently, from this discussion), a tendency to be concise to the point of meaning being potentially lost but explains as quickly as possible, while with ADHD (which I have), there is a tendency to over-explain and be too verbose. With ADHD, we tend to worry that our thoughts aren’t clear enough for others and go to great lengths to make sure our meaning is understood, which has its own problems (like people getting exhausted with us for our long windedness).

  • Yeah, this is one scenario where the principles in F2P games like MOBAs applies to the business world. Focusing only on the top X companies and losing that market share has a cascading effect where it’s harder to find competent administrators, it’s harder for those administrators to find support online (which then means they have to call for the support they pay for - which while good in the short term for VMWare, is frustrating for the customer, and means that the extra money they’re charging has to partially be used to cover techs to provide said report). The little fish in a market like this help to provide what is essentially free troubleshooting online via stack overflow etc. And giving that market share to competitors gives them the cash flow and experience to build a support system online and improve their product, and then win over the big fish.