Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, 2SLGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • It would be more efficient if we shrunk the power of the wealthiest individuals and made everyone fall under a wealthy limit

    Why should one person own and control so much wealth when they will never realistically be able to enjoy all of that wealth during their lifetime? Especially if that one person hoarding all that wealth they’ll never use is producing, creating and maintaining so much pollution for one individual.

  • One important key lesson that everyone misses is funding … we have to normalize paying a bit of money through donations or subscriptions to those people that maintain instances and those people who maintain, update and build the software … if we all just keep tell ourselves that we all just keep our heads down, lock the door and don’t bother to pay anyone to keep the door locked … the same problems of the past will always emerge … Owners, developers, programmers, instance maintainers just running out of money and enthusiasm because they have the shoulder the financial costs while everyone ignores them and takes everything for granted.

    If we all just keep expecting volunteers to keep everything running for us for free … eventually we will run out of willing volunteers as the community grows and the costs add up over time as instances grow more popular

    SUPPORT YOUR INSTANCE … whatever platform it is and whatever amount of money you can give … even if it means we just give a dollar a day, across hundreds or thousands of user, it will protect your instance owner, and ensure that the people running your instance never run into a situation where they have to decide on either ending their work … or selling everything they have to make a bit of money back.

  • I think part of it is to continue that interest in the old site … some of these posts are really suspicious in the way they keep wanting to drive people back to interact with the old site in one way or another - malicious or not, it’s still driving traffic there

    I gave up cold turkey … I dumped the site, the app, all my accounts (I had four) and just stopped looking into the site or doing anything there

    The best thing to do with social media sites you don’t like is to just stop interacting with them … completely.

    I’m active now on kbin and lemmy … I’ll keep all my activity on these media sites from now on … I’m not wasting my energy on the old dumpster fire.