I don’t watch cable TV. I get free Disney plus which includes ads. For these I do in fact mute them. I find ads annoying.
I don’t watch cable TV. I get free Disney plus which includes ads. For these I do in fact mute them. I find ads annoying.
My brain hurts. I think it’s supposed to say: throwback to when I found this gem in a value village in Houston, Texas. Gym was a stretch, otherwise pretty funny.
If i could change time to allow Biden to run, i would do so only because Harris running in the situation that she did, didn’t work out regardless.
But I kind of don’t think he would have won either. The debate performance plus “his bad economy” I think we’re too impactful. I think the only chance, if any, was Biden not running, and us actually having a chance to select a candidate.
The biggest hurdle I would say is the disinformation war that reality is losing against Russia/MAGA.
Not domeone who has given up gaming, but I stopped gaming for a bit with the hope I would be more productive. Not long, short bursts of a couple of months. I hated it because I would still spend time doing “unproductive” things, but even worse, it felt like I wasn’t doing anything actually fun. Like, I’m scrolling on Reddit or Lemmy for like 2 hours? Sure I read quite a bit, but there’s a lot of uneducationa posts, as well as a lot of time spent scrolling because I was on it for so long that the good posts I got through quickly.
At least with video games, I get a sense of learning, and challenging myself.
I agree. For some people, I think pornography and prostitution are their preferred jobs.in your scenario, they would be more empowered to speak up for themselves. Right now, with food and shelter being a concern, people may not always feel comfortable turning jobs down.
For real. I think y’all have an advantage though, you couldn’t vote for brexit twice.
I’m not to familiar with radio apps. Why do people like them over more popular streaming services like Spotify or pandora? The video mentions she likes a more human touch, but I’m not certain about the details.
The video was extremely informative about the app though!
this is a great video. I think you should post it in a community.
Does it actually seep? my understanding of chemical waste is: that it doesn’t generate a lot (the US has about a foot ball fields worth from all of our nuclear power plants in our total history, so nearly 70 years), and that they placed is secure, not leaking containers. You’re right that it will eventually be a problem, but probably a problem that we will have to deal with later than our current climate crisis. An argument could be made that maybe new nuclear plants shouldn’t be made, but if we have some up and running, that’s cheap energy that generates little carbon.
Yeah it was surprisingly jarring going to Europe and seeing places that were completely inaccessible by wheel chair. I have never used a wheel chair in my life but I know there’s bars in my area that have mini elevators for peole on wheel chairs to access the lower level that’s only like 4 steps down.
By atom, do you mean nuclear energy? Why did you stop the nuclear plant?, assuming that’s what you’re referring to.
How does this relate to Germany relying using natural gas from Russia, before their invasion of Ukraine? My understanding was that Germany had energy issues at the offset, which I wouldn’t expect considering how much renewavles you use
Bikes are generally pretty maintainable I would say. Some characteristics that I like about bikes that keep from me having to maintain them to much are:
Another important question is what will you be using it for? Urban biking? Mountain biking?
Which btw that program isn’t doing too well. It’s a huge cost right now, compared to more traditional public transit. And imagine that this is with regular “cheap” vans rather than more expensive vehicles. These also seem to be a small step better than Personal vehicles as I hear most rides are solo rides (which is not exactly the aim). What is great about micro is they support bikes, and people with disabilities to help reach the last mile in their trip.
Most of those can addressed by busses too actually.
Train has fewer stops meaning train reaches the destination faster
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or any bus line can have less stop for this reason. To expand on BRT routes, they can be dedicated lanes for busses, with right of way. They can be specific only for busses, and cars not allowed to use it ever or also mixed usage where certain rush hours are for bus use only but outside those hours can be used by other vehicles.
Train has ultimate right-of-way, and doesn’t have to stop for pedestrians on the tracks, red lights, or other things
This can also be done with BRT routes.
trains in some cities, go under waterways meaning more direct routes than busses
BRT as well.
there’s more space inside trains and usually more choice of seats. Standing is also an option which isn’t allowed on most busses
Busses can absolutely support this. Paris has more open busses to allow more people standing or people with disabilities.
acceleration and deceleration are more predictable and comfortable
With dedicated BRT lanes, I believe that can also be done considering there’s only bus stops that need to be slowed down on.
Nearly all metro light rail trains are powered by electricity, while many city busses remain diesel
I know technically electric busses are possible, but I’m not certain how feasible this is.
My understanding is that BRT routes are cheaper and faster to setup than trains, and can be upgraded to trains. I’m not saying BRT is better than light or heavy rail, but that should be a more common path for mass transit that is not utilized in the US.
I like this one. I’ve heard Scientist lie or scientist are wrong, but it feels ironic that people still trust them every single day with the products that they consume that were generally thought of from scientists.
For sure games since they offer a lot of replayability. Maybe some reaading materials since they also don’t occupy a lot of space.
NPR did a podcast on those “bumpers” (there’s a term that I don’t recall). HBO wanted to change theirs for the reason you indicated as well as the fact that it was rather long compared to Netflix’s and others. They paid a lot of money to develop others and also do testing\ polling with end users. The original beat out all the rest because it’s been their bumper for so long.
Nah it would. I’ve spoken to a lot of Republicans that don’t like trump a lot, but feel he best aligns with what they would like the government to do. Giving them a saner option would probably siphon off votes from trump
Bro for real, I need some examples of in which ways are things politically and the general state of things worse. There may be some things that have slightly regressed, but I can only think of 1. In almost all ways things have bettered since the 40s.
You’re sort of right ( based on the article I think you read about) The cats drank bird flu contaminated raw milk which led to them dying. that being said, for that reason, raw milk is very dangerous to humans because pasteurized milk wouldn’t be as dangerous. https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/concerning-spread-of-bird-flu-from-cows-to-cats-suspected-in-texas/