I’m just an old man with a skooma problem.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • The base game has improved considerably since launch, though it still lacks some promised content and performance will vary depending on your hardware. I have a PC with a Ryzen 7 and a RTX 2070, which can run the game well enough, but have not tried it on a machine with an AMD video card.

    I think the base game might still be on sale and now might be a good time to pick it up for 50% off. Major updates will still be coming to the base game even if you don’t buy Phantom Liberty… including vehicle combat, I believe.

  • The last FPS I really got into was Overwatch, and my two mains (Mercy and Reinhardt) weren’t gun fighters. Some FPS games actually try to innovate, like Titanfall, and while I can’t get into them, I can see the appeal. But then there’s the Call of Duty and Battlefield series, which largely give us the same gameplay over and over again. I know they’re popular for a reason, and they continue to sell really well, but… yeah. I just don’t get it.

  • $70 USD to play an open world Bethesda game on launch day is a joke. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s laughable that Microsoft and Bethesda think anyone should be paying that much money to beta test the buggy, unstable, maybe even unfinished version of Starfield we’re likely getting in September. You’ll be paying the most money for the worst version of the game, period. And this is coming from someone who bought Skyrim on launch day in 2011.

    Even if Starfield is better than expected, and surprisingly playable on launch day, I have no doubt in my mind that it will be an even better game by late 2024 thanks to the modding community, and you’ll probably be able to get it on sale by then. Especially if you plan to buy it on Steam, where big sales events seem to happen every week. But I doubt Starfield is going to be finished in September, because Bethesda has been given a mandate to hit a product launch target determined by Microsoft board room executives. We’ve all seen enough games this year, especially on PC, that were practically broken on day one, and especially after Redfall, I have a feeling that Starfield won’t be any better.

  • I agree, BioWare does not need to be devoting its resources to SW:TOR at this point. It’s been out for a good, long while and the fact is, MMORPGs are not big money-makers these days. There was a huge wave of them in the wake of WoW’s success but none of them were able to achieve the kind of market success, player base or staying power of WoW. That ship has sailed, and it’s only appropriate to let the BioWare devs get back to doing what they do best.

    I don’t have high hopes for the next Dragon Age game, but would love to be pleasantly surprised. They’ve changed directions so many times during the development of that game, so I’m expecting the end result to be a mess. Mass Effect gives me slightly more hope as a possible return to form for BioWare though, if they learn from Andromeda’s missteps and focus on what made the original trilogy (particularly the first two games) great.