That always pissed me off. They were basically telling me “You’re going to become a selfish fuckwad by the time you’re my age. You’ll stop caring about civil rights. You’ll stop caring about the environment.” Etc.
That always pissed me off. They were basically telling me “You’re going to become a selfish fuckwad by the time you’re my age. You’ll stop caring about civil rights. You’ll stop caring about the environment.” Etc.
I didn’t necessarily mind the automod comments, but I did hate the fact that there was no way to disable them for subscribers of a sub. It got very obnoxious very quickly.
OpenTTD and OpenRCT2 are two of the greatest things ever made. Highly recommended (not responsible for loss of productivity).
Step 1: Google your problem
Step 2: Run the sfc bullshit that you know WON’T work
Step 3: ???