Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.


  • 46 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • their pizza

    Oh really? Everyone else likes their pizza with toppings. New Yorkers like it with just plain cheese, dripping in disgusting excess grease, and if you don’t fold it in half while you eat it, they will GET ALL UP INTO YOUR FACE. Nobody else folds pizza. It’s not normal behavior.


    You mean all those movies and shows that get made in HOLLYWOOD? Last time I checked, that sign isn’t overlooking fucking Brooklyn. If it was, it would probably say “Brooklyn” instead of “Hollywood.”


    Like what? What culture are you talking about? Sure, some of the great artists and musicians and writers have been from New York. But a lot of them have been from the Midwest and California and the South and the West, too. And even (gasp) from places outside the USA!!! Imagine that!

    New York’s own native culture is basically based on looking down their noses at everyone else on the planet, as if we’re lower creatures. What else do they have? Bodegas? They actually think those goddamn things are a legit cultural element. What even is supposed to be the appeal of those fucking places? All the selection and quality of a fucking Dollar General, with all the prices of DEFINITELY NOT A DOLLAR GENERAL.

    Hey, maybe that’s the legendary cultural output you’re talking about. New Yorkers invented the cultural meme of ridiculously, unsustainably, civilization-threateningly inflated prices on basic consumer goods and necessities.

  • The meme is a reference to New Yorkers who really do make a bunch of weird claims that NYC summers are somehow magically hotter than anywhere else, because NYC has to be #1 in EVERY CATEGORY, or else they can’t go on living.

    I don’t have a replay of every conversation I’ve had (or overheard) about that topic, over the last forty fucking years. But it’s been plenty of times.

    Also, I don’t have a problem with city-dwellers. I have a problem with NEW YORKERS, in this context. Let’s be clear on that. No other city feels the need to do crap like this. All cities have their specific things they brag about, but they don’t all insist on having the best of ALL THE THINGS.

    Maybe London and San Francisco fight about who’s the foggiest. Maybe Detroit and Chicago fight about who’s got the most murderers. Maybe L.A. and Miami and Atlanta fight about who’s got the best hawt summer nightlife. But they don’t ALL SAY THEIR CITY IS THE BIGGEST, GREATEST, BESTEST, MOSTEST AT EVERYTHING.

    You know what the sick joke really is? New York City hasn’t really been hot shit since the 1930s. It’s been coasting downhill, ever since. Almost all their great buildings and bridges, almost all their infrastructure, almost all their cultural institutions come from the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. But the superiority complex just keeps on rolling. Watching from the outside, it’s more pitiful than anything, really.

  • I thought you said you went all through the thread. I guess you didn’t. You just lied and said you did. But okay, that’s fine. Here we go:

    In the south, you’re probably driving around in an air conditioned vehicle, sitting in an air conditioned house, visiting an air conditioned business. Doubt your spending as little time outside as possible. In NYC, you’re walking all over the fucking place, waiting for a subway car, standing on a platform surrounded by 50 other people, climbing three flights of stairs to get out of the subway station and on to the street where you still need to walk 5 blocks to get where you’re going.

    We just are actually outside, unlike all southerners who don’t do manual labor. Rain or shine, freeze or burn, NYC is in the 100 year old unventilated subway tunnels with trains venting the heat from their ACs in the summer…if you come to visit in August you’ll sweat more in NYC than August in Dallas.

    AC to AC with the exception of going to the swimming pool/beach/river/lake.

    So, again, you’re saying you read all through this thread? And you somehow missed those? Really? Okay.

  • See, a lot of people are saying variations of this. And that’s fine. I agree.

    The thing is, it’s not at ALL what I usually hear, when this topic comes up.

    Usually, it’s a bunch of unhinged rambling, about how New York’s heat bubble is more effective, or something about the tall buildings funneling the heat through the urban canyons, or something about the air from the subway, etc. Oh, and there’s ALWAYS some shit about humidity, as if New York City is somehow more humid than Houston.

    It’s not. They’re both on the fucking water. Humidity is humidity. Water in the air. We get it. NYC doesn’t have special water.

    EDIT: I mean, maybe not “special water” in a good sense. It’s probably got more rat droppings and leftover heroin residue from the 1970s than you’ll find in Houston. At least by a little bit.

  • NYC is the capitol of white collar sweat.

    Fair enough. I mean, if you have to gerrymander the exact, specific terms that you’re talking about, then yes. I have to agree. Stockbrokers spend more time outside of climate-controlled spaces in NYC, compared to other major cities.

    When it comes right down to it, it was simply idiotic to build cities in the hot-as-fuck zones of the planet, to begin with. Even suburbs have heat-bubbles clinging to them, so that we really can’t be outside all that much, without actually risking heatstroke, like I was saying.

    As a civilization, it would have made a whole hell of a lot more sense to keep building even more densely in the Northeast. There’s shitloads of land in upstate New York and New Jersey that would have supported more cities, let alone the whole region.

    I guess it comes down to the pure, unbridled evil of colonial-era white people. Moving out West and down South, into areas that are literally deadly for three months out of the year was just fine, as long as it was the black and/or brown people being worked to death in the heat.

    And, ya know, poor folks in general. Same as ever.

  • But if you come to visit in August you’ll sweat more in NYC than August in Dallas

    You just HAD to get that last little thing in there, I guess just to prove that you’re a real adopted New Yorker.

    I mean, you literally just explained how it’s NOT really hotter in NYC, but you couldn’t resist pushing back on it. Yes, if you go outside in the summer, you’ll be warmer than if you stay inside. I will indeed have to admit that. But if you do the same amount of walking around in Dallas as you do in NYC, in August? You might actually get heatstroke.

    Wait. I guess that DOES mean you’ll sweat less, in Dallas. Like, as long as you keep walking around long enough. One of the symptoms of advanced heatstroke is a sudden inability to sweat. You die dry as a bone.

    EDIT: I’m not saying you can’t get heatstroke in NYC. You can. But it takes a lot longer for it to happen, if you’re walking around in 80-90 degree weather, versus 100-110.

  • Yeah. Sure. That’s absolutely true. Humidity will indeed make 81 degrees feel like 90 degrees. But there’s high humidity in Dallas and Houston and all of Florida, too. So, when it’s humid and actually 108…well, then it’s not even worth it to calculate how hot it feels. It’s just dangerously hot.

    Sure, Nevada and Arizona don’t have the humidity. But they’ll get to 115-120. Humidity REALLY doesn’t matter, then.

    But I guarantee, there will STILL be New Yorkers coming into this thread, pitching weird ideas about how the buildings still make it seem even hotter than that, somehow.

  • Nothing for me, yet…but I am very disturbed by how quickly this Fallout situation has moved. That’s what prompted me to finally make this meme, even though I’d thought about it several times before.

    The thing is, the show is obviously very high quality. I’ve only seen the first episode, but it really hit all the marks as a great show, already. I’m not the most hardcore Fallout fan, but I’ve played Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4. And the VR version of 4. And a bit of Fallout 76. And a little bit of Brotherhood of Steel, which everyone hated for good reasons.

    I haven’t been spoiled for it, so I don’t know if this error in the timeline, continuity problem, plot hole (or whatever) is something that came up in the first episode (and I didn’t even notice it) or if it comes up later in the show.

    The point is, the show is good, which is a VERY RARE FEAT, within the video-game-to-scripted-screen-adaptation world. But instead of appreciating the overall good quality, these people started pitching a fit about timelines and canon issues. That still wouldn’t have bothered me…but then came the VERY PROMPT response, from Todd Howard.

    I am very disturbed by how quickly he was shoved out in front of a camera, to beg everyone’s pardon. “No, no, no, you’re right. New Vegas is still canon. Don’t worry.”

    You realize what this means, don’t you? The MONEY PEOPLE frantically texted Todd Motherfucking Howard, and directed him to make that response. In other words, these turbo-whiners basically have a seat in the writing room, for Season 2 of this show.

    Instead of writing what they want to write, instead of making decisions on their terms, they will have to make every future episode of the show with the knowledge that their bosses are now watching closely to see if the lore-freaks have been antagonized, once again.

    They have to write CAREFULLY, so as to make sure they don’t make any further “mistakes” or “errors” or “retcons” or whatever it was. Writing carefully is not writing creatively.

    Nerds have always known the lore better than the writers. Up until now, they have been ignored. But now, as I said, they have a seat at the table. A world in which they are constantly pandered to is a world where writing gets shittier and shittier, every season.

    I predict that Season 2 of the Fallout show will be markedly lower quality, because the writers will be incentivized to merely provide a scrupulously, obsessively “faithful” lore documentary, rather than a real, creatively driven, dynamic plot.