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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • … Some others of us seem to have no understanding of the manpower at the fingertips of government. It’s a free country. Delude away. I remember when 9/11 happened. It took 3 days to get enough (about 2500) sailors on my aircraft carrier so we could break all kinds of records getting to the Gulf, and blowing up all manner of things. 3 days, from vacation to under way. Introduce some discomfort, and a little accountability and watch the mass of society scream about traitors. If you don’t mind being led to slaughter, then hooray for you. If you had any foundational knowledge to begin with you would understand that this is, indeed, a very necessary part of the growing pains of our country. Some of us want to be led, not caring to which type of slaughter. Others prefer to be left to their own lives until it’s time to fight for them. It’s perspective I suppose. It can come from understanding, or the lack of.

  • Public spaces typically have intended uses. When those spaces aren’t used for what they are intended, something needs to change. When the homeless set up 1000 survival spaces in a public park… the rest of us should suffer because of their bad decisions/luck? Use your energy to make a difference instead of an ineffectual post. Vote in better policy makers.