Quak, Quak, quuaakk

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • You can take your strawman and stick it. In the mean time the whole middle east has been building to this and egged on by people like you we will see it get a lot worse.

    I’ll bet all those Palestinians are very comforted by knowing people like you have their backs. “No no… you need to stay in your refugee camps because else the evil Jews won”… 70 years down and people like you helped 300k people kicked from their lands back then, become 5 million people in perpetual misery… But you can rest smuggly that you took the moral high ground… but then it does not cost you anything… so there.

  • My red herring? You open by making a statement that could easily mean eliminating all Jews and when asked what you mean you refuse to specify (or concoct some kumbaya alternate reality fiction). Instead you blurt that the question is flippant. And now you say red herring as if that somehow absolves you of taking a position that has no basis in reality or a position that just wishes all Jews to dissapear.

    The situation in Israël is neither clear cut nor easy. And since one side (Israël) holds all the power I would expect that side to come up with a just and equitable solution that works for Palestinians too… and that is not what they are currently doing… We see war mongering genocidal idealogs run their campaign of destruction simply because Bibi needs war to stay out of jail. The reason why these right wing extremist settlers are in the Israeli government in turn has its basis in constant shelling of Israel proper. Which continue because Israël refuses to provide their neighbors with an equitable solution and not keep settling the west bank.

  • Well, that looks like it ignores reality a bit. That the current state of Israel is doing fucked up stuff atm gets no arguement from me, but it did not happen in a vacuum.

    Spouting revisionist nonsense about how equal the Jews where treated all over the world also does not help the situation either. Nor does ignoring the current situation and how if the state where to be dissolved and a new state created in its place that would give all people of the region equal rights and protections… they would magically all get along.

    So again… what then? What would you suggest?