Anise (they/she)

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • I have no problem with people feeling pride about their immutable characteristics. Scottish and proud? Excellent, go put on a kilt and throw one of those giant poles; looks fun! I have a problem when “pride” is used to organize people against a vulnerable minority. So sure, enjoy your super straight free beer with a bar full of other totally straight cis men and talk about… Idk sports or something. However, given the current political climate it seems to me like this is likely a way to gather people resentful of LGBT pride’s efforts to claim equal rights. So it isn’t a gathering of proud straight men, it is likely a gathering of bitter hateful men.

    LGBT pride exists to fight for equal rights and representation that cis-hetero people enjoy by default; it isn’t meant to gain an upper hand or displace cis-hetero people. Far-right extremists like to paint the movement’s goals as a way to erase white straight cis culture, but this is just reactionary propaganda to mobilize people against this minority group.

  • It’s just capitalism. Longer work hours. So-called “news” agencies that profit off of fearmongering and division make us mistrust our neighbors and strangers. Streaming, TV, and gaming companies make money from us spending time at home looking at a screen. Our modern economy forces many people to leave their he towns to find employment. No support network for parents so parents become incredibly isolated and burnt out by having to do everything themselves whereas preindustrial people had a whole tribe to raise the youth.

    1. Tracking via bluetooth, wifi, cell signals, nfc, etc. Does one trust airplane mode?
    2. Seizure of the device if one is arrested. There is legal debate about what methods law enforcement can use to get into the phone. One is exposing both whatever pictures and video was made at the protest but everything else going on in one’s life too.
    3. If one has a unique case or model, one can be doxxed.

    Action cameras are cheap, durable, and many come without any radios that can be used to track someone. They all look the same. Using a brand new sd card means that the only data on there is the pictures/video taken at the protest. The major downside is that if they are seized, they are an open book for law enforcement since they are unencrypted. If the sd card is taken or destroyed then one loses any evidence along with it.

  • A “fun” game when reading quotes from bigots is to swap out “gender ideology” with “bodily autonomy” to realize how absurd, hateful, and fascist the message really is. That’s really what we’re talking about; being trans isn’t a choice but expressing your true gender is somewhat* a choice you make with your body and aesthetic. Fascists don’t want people to have freedom, they want to have power over you for power’s sake. The pushback against “gender ideology” isn’t the reasoned philosophic debate that they want it to sound like, it’s a war against already-marginalized people. It’s “a boot stamping on a human face” because power is both the means and the ends for these fucks. Anyone supporting these assholes should ask themselves what happens if they finally succeed to stamp out the queer menace. Fascists’ continued existence requires another group to persecute and if history is any guide it will be religious minorities, racial minorities, political rivals, etc. until the world is empty and there is no “fruitful ‘tension” that Pope Franky states that he values so much aside from the powerful and those that they decided to keep as slaves.

    *somewhat because for many the choice is transition or suicide