Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024


  • What the fuck has become of our society?

    Mass media manipulation, constant class war, a legacy of ultrapatriotism, and crippled education has turned us into a nation of people arrogant in their own ignorance and fed up with how shit the world is today.

    Mass media keeps us all at each other’s throats, stirring up hate and violence for views, and those media owners are almost all old conservative white men who will gladly court fascism for lower taxes.

  • I dunno man, they’re really happy with the work life balance and the C-suites are happy with their productivity.

    It’s funny even our sales and logistics departments are wfh, and the only people I ever see on the off chance I need to load a tape rack or something is security and building maintenance.

    And we’ve been RIDICULOUSLY profitable all through covid. In fact covid only served to show the remaining staff how productive WFH is.

    We are making so much money rn that they don’t even CARE about property costs and they leave the lights and AC on 24/7 for maybe 2 people in the entire site, and our 3 satellite sites are just as empty.

    Sure there may be some A type salesbro personalities that need to be around others to work effectively, the largely spectrum oriented development community needs no such frippery.