It’s a simple choice, really, considering how many hours I managed to invest as a kid:
Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
It’s a simple choice, really, considering how many hours I managed to invest as a kid:
Literally viewing the world like a EU4 map painting player would
That’s understandable and fair enough - main reason I pointed it out was because your comment made it seem like the video was one of the watchtime bait ones, that only reveal the answer halfway through or even only at the end, potentially keeping even people interested from even trying to watch. Thankfully, its right at the beginning, and the rest is just details about development, context, gameplay and such.
Funnily enough, he reveals that quite early in the video, so you saved them maybe 5 minutes at best. EDIT: It’s actually at about the 1:15 mark
I think it is a mix of narcissism and related impulsivity, grifters in his circle influencing him so they and he himself can speculate on a recession and market manipulation from his policies, ideologically indoctrinated people that drank their own cool-aid about libertarianism and finally, indeed, him also declining after he was never all that bright to begin with.
I think there is one more piece to the situation: Ultimately, it would be down to the executive to actually implement those things. Now, even where they haven’t been replaced by loyalists, they have to face one more thing: What are the consequences if they defy the court vs what are the potential consequences for defying Trump.
As long as there is no determined, organised opposition, that makes it clear there will be a new status quo after Trump and crimes will be punished, they have many reason to fear Trump’s cronies, and little to fear the courts.
And I mean an opposition that is actually capable and willing to take power, not some sort of “moral opposition”.
Even if the situation wasn’t as abysmal as it is, the stock has been overvalued for many years now, basically riding on Elon’s charisma above all.
Well colour me intrigued - and also abysmally ignorant - I hadn’t followed them initially, because I was never interested in the Epic Store, but checking them out again just now, the project has just easily grown into something amazing and far beyond the initial scope!
I know, it’s still a single-digit percentage of the market share, but I wish GOG would finally give us an official GOG Galaxy version for Linux. Yes, I can integrate my GOG account with Lutris, which is fine, I guess, but steam manages to grab my fickle attention with their app easily, including tempting me to waste money on DRM-proteced game licenses where the games aren’t even owned by me 😞
So far, Valve hasn’t abused that, and they have been amazing for Linux gaming, but it does not feel great, knowing the fundamentals there are what they are.
Am I missing something? Isnˋt that just a traditional remedy for vitamin D deficiency? (And, well, I guess it also has decently healthy fatty acids and some other nutrients)
So, itˋs hard to fully switch to, but it has a growing community and there are some good creators on there (although, mostly Linux/FOSS enthusiasts) - so let me plug [email protected]
Other than that, I still have a lot of gmail adresses, switching them will be a pain, since i will have to go through what I used them for. My main mail is with a German provider, though (posteo.de)
I am in the process of setting up my own suite of fediverse stuff to host, these days. Have been learning a lot by dealing with frustration these past days :D (I only had some basic experience self-hosting, itˋs been a learning journey)
As per the video: new high of concurrent users, 40 million online with 12.7 million actively playing games.
Besides the stuff people already listed, I know sections like this here in Germany, and they often (not always) just have “American style” products - basically some weird hybrids of what a European imagines America to be like, but for European palates. So I bet - unless this was a section with true import stuff - any American would be confused why they never heard of any of these products.
The sauce you get from Sauerbraten is sooooo good, too - goes well with any veggies and/or pasta to eat alongside it.
God damn, if I had the money, I’d escape to Iceland. Has been a dream for a long time now, but it just gets more and more desirable.