This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.

We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.

If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.

If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.

tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.

Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.

    1 year ago

    all is literally every instance. You’re basically asking them to defederate or completely shut down their instance. If you can’t handle opinions like this, you can either petition your instance to defederate from this one or stop going to all.

      1 year ago

      Im not asking them to do anything at all. But i didnt know you couldnt ask not to show up in all. TIL

      You have taken this beyond my intention. Im perfectly happy have trans content and issues introduced to me without looking for it. I dont want it to leave, it just sounded like THEY very much want people to only be there who are there on their terms and their terms only.

      Sorry for the misunderstanding