• ssillyssadass@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    I have been out of the loop on the Israel situation for so long and I feel maybe I should get in the loop. Can somebody educate me on it?

    • Droggelbecher@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      Israel was funded by Britain after WWII as an ethnostate for Jewish people. This was a win-win, since many Jewish people were tired of persecution and wanted their own country, and most other countries hated Jewish people to some extent and wanted to be rid of them.

      They placed it in the region that was the Jewish state of Israel some 2 thousand years ago. Trouble is, there was another country in that place by then: Palestine. Most Palestinians are Muslim and look different from the Jewish people residing in Israel, which is unwelcome to an ethnostate. Ethnostates strive to be ethnically monogamous and don’t tolerate different ethnicities well.

      Thus, Israel has been trying to get rid of Palestinians to varying extents since. This has indirectly been helped by many of the most powerful western nations, since Israel is their only ally in the middle east and they thus support it economically and in other ways. Tactics have mostly been passive enough to go under the radar of most people in different countries, for example economically depriving the region Palestinians live in, or letting too little food go to that region.

      In late 2023, there was a terrorist attack on Israelis by a group called Hamas that identify as Palestian. This let to a full on war between Hamas and Israel. During this, there has been so much evidence of Israeli military targeting civilians and even specifically children that many people all over the world now recognize what Israel is doing to Palestinians as a genocide.

      Anti-Israel sentiment is deliberately being painted as anti-Semitic by Israel. Some of it actually does contain some or even a lot of antisemitism, but some is just legitimate critique of an ethnostate and its actions against an unwelcome minority. Calling the latter antisemitism too has two results: the criticism is delegitimised and Israel gets away scots free, and actual antisemitism is on the rise because it feels more normalized now.

      I tried to be objective, everyone please feel free to correct, add, or ask anything :) hope this helps OP!