Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
I don’t see where I said I would like to enforce anything, please point out exactly what you’re referring to. [1]
Yeah, that’s what I said too, when I was explaining in a very clear and solutions focused way to someone else the ways they can, you know, actually do that by respecting folks who may feel left out when it’s so common to assume everyone is a man behind a computer, which is the opposite of “celebrating diversity”.
This feels intentionally (and unnecessarily) disrespectful after I just made it clear I do not think that type of language is inclusive to everyone.
Please don’t talk to me that way. I’m very happy with my life and don’t need to be told what to do or enjoy.
Nothing wrong with flair.
Yeah that’s the problem. Not every reader will immediately understand that context, and if they don’t, in this example specifically just for a hypothetical, say because they’re gen-z (too young to get the ref) or autistic (more direct communication is better understood) or something, they may think this is just some place where everyone assumes everyone else is a man or a dude, like reddit.
Hwæt, hwæt þu ne spræce swā gif þu þearft on gemyndum habban þæs þe ær gewāt?
ETA: Footnotes since y’all are so intent on misunderstanding:
Congrats, you got the point of why they did it! They don’t care that you think it isn’t inclusive because you don’t dictate what is and isn’t inclusive. Male pronouns being used as gender-neutral ones is very old, and you sound exactly like the weirdos who can’t handle “they” as a pronoun for a person
Again: you don’t get to enforce conformity my guy
Again: please show me where I said anything that even suggests that. My language was as respectful as possible and most folks who are not assholes wouldn’t take issue with it. Y’all are actually trying to tell me that I don’t get to say what feels inclusive to me, and that’s literally trying to enforce conformity, my guy.
Removed by mod
I’m very happy actually :) thank you for your concern.
Are we going to cancel idioms too because ESL folks will get comically lost without context? Or should we use idioms and explain them or allow google to do such? Are we going to draw the line on broken english which can be easy to misunderstand as well? Just seems like a weird line to draw right now.
Popculture references are always going to be an important part of communication. I enjoyed learning the context of 1960-1970s lingo my parents used. If it’s so important to you, add some polite context about under the comment for people to understand. I believe your OP comment was asking for us to leave the gendered language on reddit, and I don’t think its a fair request to ask people to change how they communicate to conform with what you precieve makes others more comfortable.
With the rise of authoritarianism, I feel like this is the exact kind of behavior that pushed enough people to the far right to get trump elected.
Did you ever stop and wonder if you put these tireless crusades down perhaps we wouldn’t all be threatened by our own government right now?
Don’t worry about me friend, I’m looking after my community and my loved ones and myself, but you are right that authoritarianism is the real threat, and the best way to counter that is community organizing, which is what I spend my time doing. Not saying that because I feel the need to tout my accomplishments, I feel I have a very healthy self image. But you do seem confused about where to direct your efforts so just so you know, that’s what I recommend.
Well do focus on the tone when organizing in the community. You should be analyzing your messaging to make sure its effective and reaching the widest amount of people it can.
What you’ve shown me is a fragile ego and an inability to take criticism. As well as a narrow focus on inconsequential formalities that will only alienate the general public. So I beg thee to consider your approach to what ever organizing you are doing and ask yourself if it represents the people you are trying to protect.
“What you’ve shown me is a fragile ego and an inability to take criticism”
Edited to add: if you honestly see that from my words and behavior here, what you’ve shown me is a lack of empathy and I have no more words for you.
hahaha reported my comment ahhh just like reddit. Good luck organizing in person. I’m sure you will be well liked =D
I just love how in a thread about removing comments on reddit you reported and removed a comment offering you some healthy criticism. And you still don’t believe you have a fragile ego. You’re strawmanning everyone on this thread.