This is an Austrian company that offers mobile payments with barcode/qr-code in shops in Austria and Germany, as well as in a few places in Italy and Luxembourg.

I use it since one year. It works fine, but it could definitely use more attention, so that more shops start to accept it. What are your thoughts on that?

    3 days ago

    I don’t think Wero is comparable to the others, they didn’t have the scope, ambition and backing Wero and the European Payments Initiative have ? It’s limited right now but it just launched, I’m sure more banks will progressively join.

      3 days ago

      Wero is the successor of Giropay which kinda went semi-obsolete with SEPA instant transfers. The original use case was telling shops that a regular SEPA transfer was guaranteed to arrive by the bank sending that information via giropay and the actual money then using regular channels. Sofort dug deeper into that market because it’s the only business they have, while giropay is little more than a thin wrapper around banks agreeing on a particular interface. Online all you really need, today, is a way for a shop to send you over to your bank with a SEPA transfer template pre-filled with the right data. That’s not a business, it’s barely even a website.

      The good news, indeed, with the EPI is that the rest of Europe is finally adopting the same standards-setting procedure that Germany had for ages because we have 1400 banks over here, most of which only serve a local customer base, they need to interoperate, insular solutions just don’t make sense or you couldn’t go to an ATM the next town over. And they do have a habit of not inventing pointless intermediaries, much less intermediaries handling actual money both sender and recipients already have bank accounts why get a third bank involved.