I’m about to play Back 4 Blood, the “spiritual successor” to Left 4 Dead.

This game has mixed reviews. And based on comments, it looks like the online co-op and PvP is dead.

Now whenever I see blowback on games like this, I wonder if it’s because Back 4 Blood is simply not exactly like Left 4 Dead even though it was made by the same developers. It’s what I like to call the Yooka-Laylee Phenomenon.

Or is this more like the Mighty No. 9 Phenomenon where, it’s not so much the spiritual successor isn’t exactly like the original, but nowhere near as good as the original?

Hard to say without playing.

I do notice that, for whatever reason, Steam reviewers tend to privilege indie releases over AAA titles. So that might be something to do with it too.

I don’t know. This is all conjecture from someone who’s yet to play it yet. However, last Steam sale, I bought this for C$3.99 – which was 95% off. So how bad can it really be?

Well, you know what they say – YOLO!

@[email protected]

  • Sanctus@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    Yeah you know what. Notice it. The staleness of the environment. The shiny plastic textures that almost want to distract you from what’s not there anymore. Environment complexity is forgone for a player card system. The Horde is ignored, it is now just treated as a generic hazard, in favor of league of legends champions basically. All for what? Monetization for the season pass. No wonder after the first play through I never came back. Yet, sometimes the boys still boot up L4D.