Well then I’ll be patient and pick it up on a deep discount. No skin off my back. I already went 14 years without playing it.
It’s on switch and always on sale. I think I got it for $20. I’m sure after a bit on PC price will drop.
The Switch is great for games made for the Switch. It’s pretty terrible for games made for more powerful platforms. It takes forever for stuff to load, and the GFX are poor.
OK, how is this relevant here? Red dead redemption was developed for Xbox 360 and PS3, which are significantly less powerful than the Switch. And RDR runs at a much higher resolution on the switch
I didn’t realize that RDR was created for less powerful systems and runs well on Switch. I guess I’m thinking of RDR2. Every cross platform game I’ve bought for my Switch so far has been a pretty big bummer.
The secret ingredient is…
And this is exactly why I laugh when PC gamers bitch about being ignored. As a dev, why would I want to sell to an unpleasable, toxic audience that’s just gonna steal the product anyways?
Why should anyone pay $50 for a game that’s 14 years old?
Nobody is asking you to. You can just not.
I don’t think most things at the store are worth what they cost, but I don’t steal them and justify it later
Except the difference between a person not buying the game and a person pirating it is literally nothing from the perspective of the company. Except actually, as many devs have found and acknowledged, people who pirate the game often actually result in increased word of mouth and publicity, and things like merch sales, not to mention many go on to buy the game later when they never would have if they hadnt pirated it first. So saying “just dont buy it” is kinda fucking dumb, because thats all theyre doing in the first place, and the only negative consequence of piracy for the company is a “potential lost sale” that never would have happebed anyway.