• Dorkyd68@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Dude… just like… think before you speak to a stranger on the internet. You assume. You assume I’ve never raised a child that wasn’t mine in a relationship that lasted 10 years. You assume I didn’t wake up 30 minutes early every morning to drive my exs’ kid to school for 5 years. You assume I don’t have my nieces and nephews over for sleep overs regularly. Mostly you assume that I don’t take the “financial possibilities” of having a child into consideration. Just like shut the fuck up. I’m sorry, but be quiet. The adults are speaking and you don’t know of what you speak. You spew, you throw up nonsense. Be quiet 🤫

    Mostly, mostly you may assume I’m female. I’m a 40 y/o male that aches to have a child to love and raise. I yearn for the day when a child says “I love you dad” to me again. Cause it happened with my exs’ child and it’s like a hit from heroin, instantly addicted but in the best way possible